Thursday, April 1, 2010

They don't put that on the Grad School brochure

Tonight I was putting out a fire at the library. And I mean that literally, not figuratively. We've got this ashtray/trashcan right outside the doors, and most people don't put their cigarettes all the way out while using it. So, on windy days like today, those cigarettes occasionaly blow out of the ashtray and into the flowerbed mulch, lighting fires. It's happened twice this week.

Tonight, when it happened, I grabbed the fire extinguisher and strolled out to put out the fire. I don't rush anymore - the mulch fires are not fast burning - they just kind of smolder and occasionally catch to flame for a second before going back to a slow burn. Its a purposeful stroll, don't get me wrong. Anyway - I released the pin, aimed, and... nothing. Nothing happened. Disconcerting, I know. So, I sent the security officer off to borrow the building attendant's fire extinguisher, and in the meantime, I thought - its a small fire, maybe I could... stamp it out?

Um, not so much... It turns out that mulch fires are tricky, and stamping on them only results in spreading the fire, and slightly melting your shoe.

Go figure.